Friday, November 7, 2008

Dependency on machinery

My father used to be a black smith when he was young ( at the age of 10). Only at the age of 18, he join civil department ( still doing a lot of manual labour). During that time, it was very rare for people to get any cardiovascular diseases.

You can guest the reason for people during that time living healthy. The have naturally exercise through their daily activities. Virtually, they don't need gym or any other exercises.

TERMINATOR 3- The rise of the machine
Now, our live have made easy because a lot of machinery being introduce in our live causing us to use less of our body strength. So we exercise less. Plus, with the down turn of economy, most of the people has to work more, thus almost no time for exercise.

There is no doubt of exercise and a lot of exercise has been discussed in the net but the main question whether we can do it consistently or not. Because, to get the result that we need, either losing weight or being healthy, be consistent in what we are doing. I've practise the things I know for at least 3 month consistently to get result (manage to lose weight from 72kg to 66kg).

So, I was thinking one activity that I can be consistent in order to lose weight. So , after I've read few article in the net, I decided that the thing that I can doing almost every day in during office hour is to walk the stairs.

My office at third floor, and most of the time I'll avoid the lift. I'll park my vehicle according to rules even though it is far from my office ( who says following rules does not pay). I'll walk fast. I'll reduce using of vehicle for things which within walking distance if I'm not in hurry. If the things that I need to carry is not heavy, I'll avoid using trolley. If people ask for help to carry heavy stuff , I'll help them. If some lady requested for help, I'll be the first one to volunteer.

These are the thing that I do which I know can do it consistently. So my suggestion is that identify the thing that you can do daily by reducing the dependency on machinery and you will be able to result . GOOD LUCK.

check on my other tips also

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Who is the best doctor?

The answer for the question will exclude God and other super human being like Prophet Jesus Christ ( Peace be upon him).

If the function of a doctor is to identify sickness and heal, who do you think is the best?

If you are looking for name or person or group of people, than your answer is way of.

Well, the best doctor in this world in YOUR OWN BODY!

Yes, it is true.

Your body is design by God with perfection, have all the system to identify sickness as well as healing. Your body has a lot of alert system including pain, cough, sneeze, feel hot, cold, colour changes in the part of the body etc.

That the diagnosis system . How about healing?

You body actually will do most of the work. Don't believe it. OK..

Let look at the example of a simple fever. Why do you get fever? There are a lot of sickness associated with fever but the main reason is that your body is fighting some sort of germ which causes your body temperature to rise. See, your body is the one that do the job. The doctor , who may prescribe aspirin or paracetamol which help to reduce the body temperature, not to fight the germ. Some time , the doctor may prescribe anti - biotic to help the body to fight the germs.

Of course your body can't healing everything by it own but the main function of any medicine should be to help the body to recover it healing function. Once the healing function is restored the rest it not a problem.

That the beauty of traditional medicine ( or alternative medicine.) The traditional medicine will always work to recover the healing function for the body.

For example, if let say a person having kidney problem and currently going through dialysis. In the modern medicine practice point of view , there is nothing much can be done except for kidney transplant. But for a traditionalist, they will look at the imbalance property of body ( may be poor blood circulation , problematic micro circulation... ) and will introduce herbs that will balance the property of the body. By doing this, the healing power of the body is restored and the kidney will be slowly 'repaired' by the body and may reach full recovery based on that person's condition.

So, help your body to help you. Always ask the doctor the reason for giving the medication, ask how is the drug work on your body. Then, get a second opinion from traditional medicine. If your are a Malaysian, please refer to my Free Medical Checkup post to get your second opinion

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Reducing weight , know your No. 1 enemy

You may notice on web there are a lot of tips to follow, different diet plan, bla.... bla...

All that are good. But, what is important is that you need to pick few and bring it to practice.

I practice what I mentioned, hence got the results.

You need to identify your No. 1 enemy in reducing weight, that is SUGAR.

yes, sugar ( or white sugar) are one of the most simplest from food. Your body does not requires much energy to digest it ( require less energy mean, hard to loose weight) and it is easily converted to glucose. If your glucose contain in the blood is high, the body will produce insulin and the glucose will be stored as fat.

If you reduce your sugar intact, the rate of glucose entering your body is slower , thus if you uses more energy, other sources of energy ( eg, fat, complex carbs ) will be used.

I've tried this for 3 month and it really works. Try to avoid sweets ( candy, chocolate, soft drink) as much as possible.

I'm having my tea also with less or sometimes no sugar.

Initially, it will be very difficult. You'll notice that, you have problem eating food with less sugar because your tongue are not sensitive. After some time, your taste bud will be come sensitive to sugar and automatically you will avoid many sweet stuff in future.

And there is one bonus ...... you get to taste all the natural sweet better ( fruits, fruit juice, etc.)

In my own experience, let say I wanted to drink coconut water, I've to add sugar to make the taste better. But , after I've got my taste bud sensitive, I really can taste the natural sweetness of the coconut water. It taste 100 better .

So, reduce sugar intake does not not only help t0 reduce your weight but also help to enjoy the nature better........

Again, be consistent. If you start to feel that you are missing your favourite snack, have it one a month ( as your reward for the whole month)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Don't believe your doctor ........100%

Do you know that modern doctor cannot diagnose your sickness completely ?


Simple, the diagnose is symptom based. If you recall your visit to meet the doctor, what is the first question they will ask? ( excluding greeting.... how are you... how is your lovely sister ..bla..bla..bla)

"What is your sickness/problem..." ask the doctor

Then, you start to explain how do your feel....... pain, dizzy , fever , cough...etc

After that, based on your explanation, the doctor will check either your temperature, BP, heart beat, lung .....

Next, the doctor will tell you the story " ........ it just a virus fever.... take this tablet ........ "

End of the story 1

Let say your sickness didn't get well, you'll either go and see the same doctor or you will see another one and start explaining again. The doctor might change the medication or ask you to go for some other test ( blood test, x -ray, CT scan....).

You may end up have to visit the specialist too. Now, here is the scary part. Once you are send to a specialist, the testing will be narrowed down to specific part of your body , either lung , heart, nerve system, ENT ( ear, nose, throat) etc. If your sickness is also contributed by other parts of the body, most likely it will not be detected.

One of my life experience is of my father. My father had a backache and numbness on the leg for quite some time. Following the normal procedure, the doctor prescribe some ointment to reduce the pain. After a week, the pain is still there. My father went to see the doctor again. Now, he prescribe pain killer and ask my father to go for an x- ray. From the x- ray, they found out that that one of the spine join cartilage has 'wear out'. This causes the two spine joint pressing on the nerve which cause the pain as well as numbness on the leg. So, the specialist says, my father need operation to put some metal plate to hold the two spine joint together. Of course the cost is high because the metal plate is made of titanium.

Well, after thinking for some time and since the pain is bearable, my father decided not to proceed with the operation.

Few month later, a friend of my father's friend (In Malay , we call it "Bapa punya kawan punya kawan") introduce to a MBBS doctor who also had learnt alternative medicine. He uses the pulse reading method. After diagnosing my father, he says that the numbness and the backache is not related. The backache is cause by muscle tiredness where the back muscle try to hold the position of the two spine joint. He taught some exercise to strengthen the back muscle. As for the numbness, he said it happen because lack of blood flow to the lower part of the body. He prescribe the herbal medicine and after taking the medicine for three month, the numbness gone. The back pain is much less now.

So, don;t trust your doctor 100% especially if it come to surgery. Get a second opinion from other doctor ( better if they are your relative or friend).

If you are interested in the pulse reading diagnosis, you can check the detail in my blog under the category of "Free Medical checkup" or you can click this link whic will direct you there

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tips 1: Break our fast

It may seem weird at the beginning but in order for you to loose weight you need to eat... Yes, NEED TO EAT.

Why, because if you don't eat your body will slow down its metabolism and try to store fat as a backup energy source, So you won't lose fat. Well, that statement is partially correct. If you go into extreme state of hunger like living in a war zone for weeks or month without food, of course you will definitely lose weight. But, obviously nobody wanted to go to war zone or other similar places just to shed some kilogram ( or pound), right!

So you need to eat food the RIGHT WAY

The most important meal that you must eat is your breakfast, and .... have your breakfast early. When I say early , it really means early. As early as 5.00am is very good. But at least, try to have your breakfast before you go to work, let say around 7.00am. You can have heavy breakfast but too heavy will make you sleepy in the morning.

One of the mistake that people usually do is to have their breakfast late, after they had reached the office. You should avoid this if you are seriously into losing weight. Most people complain that they don't have time to prepare breakfast.

Well, if you don't have time for preparing breakfast early morning, have a simple breakfast then. For me, I have my tea and few slice of plain wholemeal bread every morning for my breakfast. Yes , plain wholemeal bread, dip into the tea to make it soft and ate it. If you are saying that making tea take some time, then buy milk and dip the wholemeal bread into the the milk and ate it.


The advantage of having breakfast early is that is will 'wake up' your body metabolism. By having the breakfast early, it will force your digestive system to start working. In additional to that, having breakfast will help you to control the amount of food that you will take during lunch time. If you miss your breakfast, you tend to eat a lot because of hunger pain.

So, get it. Breakfast let you to kill two bird in one stone. Have it early , will start your metabolism early which help to burn calories and breakfast will reduce your hunger pain thus causing you to control your food during lunch

Now, start practicing, let say tomorrow morning. Be consistent . By following this step and the next one ( yes, there is more tips) it will help you to reduce body weight. Come, let start the journey...... YES, BREAKFAST EARLY....

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Free Medical Checkup

Good news for Malaysian ( Malaysian IC holder , citizen or permanent resident)

One company is offering free medical check up.

The medical check up will be done to check overall health plus checking on the condition of vital organs such as heart, lungs, kidney, and digestive system.

Cases that considered 'no hope' ( life long kidney failure, cancer , life long high blood pressure etc) are recommend to get second opinions. If you have relative or friend which is a doctor, it is highly recommend to bring them along.

The check up is in KL, every Wednesday 9.30am to 4.00pm. In Johor also available, but only once 2 week.

After check up, the doctor will prescribe the medicine but it is optional whether you want to buy it or not. So , nothing to worry about. They are giving the free medical check up to promote their herbal product.

To make appointment, contact

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Slimming Adventure

Well , I would like to share my experience in getting slimmer. I've manage to reduce my weight from 72kg to 66 kg. A loss of 6 kg. Well, many of my friend and relative do see the different ( especially the belly part, it has become flatter).

I didn't go to any slimming program but rather follow some simple things and be consistent about it.

Hope to share these little 'secret' with all of you. I really hope to see a better looking people around me... hahaha .

Does that make this world a better place to live... Why not....

so let start with the first tip... TIPS 1 ( click the hyperlink or this Blog archieve entitled Tips 1: Break our fast)