Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tips 1: Break our fast

It may seem weird at the beginning but in order for you to loose weight you need to eat... Yes, NEED TO EAT.

Why, because if you don't eat your body will slow down its metabolism and try to store fat as a backup energy source, So you won't lose fat. Well, that statement is partially correct. If you go into extreme state of hunger like living in a war zone for weeks or month without food, of course you will definitely lose weight. But, obviously nobody wanted to go to war zone or other similar places just to shed some kilogram ( or pound), right!

So you need to eat food the RIGHT WAY

The most important meal that you must eat is your breakfast, and .... have your breakfast early. When I say early , it really means early. As early as 5.00am is very good. But at least, try to have your breakfast before you go to work, let say around 7.00am. You can have heavy breakfast but too heavy will make you sleepy in the morning.

One of the mistake that people usually do is to have their breakfast late, after they had reached the office. You should avoid this if you are seriously into losing weight. Most people complain that they don't have time to prepare breakfast.

Well, if you don't have time for preparing breakfast early morning, have a simple breakfast then. For me, I have my tea and few slice of plain wholemeal bread every morning for my breakfast. Yes , plain wholemeal bread, dip into the tea to make it soft and ate it. If you are saying that making tea take some time, then buy milk and dip the wholemeal bread into the the milk and ate it.


The advantage of having breakfast early is that is will 'wake up' your body metabolism. By having the breakfast early, it will force your digestive system to start working. In additional to that, having breakfast will help you to control the amount of food that you will take during lunch time. If you miss your breakfast, you tend to eat a lot because of hunger pain.

So, get it. Breakfast let you to kill two bird in one stone. Have it early , will start your metabolism early which help to burn calories and breakfast will reduce your hunger pain thus causing you to control your food during lunch

Now, start practicing, let say tomorrow morning. Be consistent . By following this step and the next one ( yes, there is more tips) it will help you to reduce body weight. Come, let start the journey...... YES, BREAKFAST EARLY....

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