Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Who is the best doctor?

The answer for the question will exclude God and other super human being like Prophet Jesus Christ ( Peace be upon him).

If the function of a doctor is to identify sickness and heal, who do you think is the best?

If you are looking for name or person or group of people, than your answer is way of.

Well, the best doctor in this world in YOUR OWN BODY!

Yes, it is true.

Your body is design by God with perfection, have all the system to identify sickness as well as healing. Your body has a lot of alert system including pain, cough, sneeze, feel hot, cold, colour changes in the part of the body etc.

That the diagnosis system . How about healing?

You body actually will do most of the work. Don't believe it. OK..

Let look at the example of a simple fever. Why do you get fever? There are a lot of sickness associated with fever but the main reason is that your body is fighting some sort of germ which causes your body temperature to rise. See, your body is the one that do the job. The doctor , who may prescribe aspirin or paracetamol which help to reduce the body temperature, not to fight the germ. Some time , the doctor may prescribe anti - biotic to help the body to fight the germs.

Of course your body can't healing everything by it own but the main function of any medicine should be to help the body to recover it healing function. Once the healing function is restored the rest it not a problem.

That the beauty of traditional medicine ( or alternative medicine.) The traditional medicine will always work to recover the healing function for the body.

For example, if let say a person having kidney problem and currently going through dialysis. In the modern medicine practice point of view , there is nothing much can be done except for kidney transplant. But for a traditionalist, they will look at the imbalance property of body ( may be poor blood circulation , problematic micro circulation... ) and will introduce herbs that will balance the property of the body. By doing this, the healing power of the body is restored and the kidney will be slowly 'repaired' by the body and may reach full recovery based on that person's condition.

So, help your body to help you. Always ask the doctor the reason for giving the medication, ask how is the drug work on your body. Then, get a second opinion from traditional medicine. If your are a Malaysian, please refer to my Free Medical Checkup post to get your second opinion

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