You may notice on web there are a lot of tips to follow, different diet plan, bla.... bla...
All that are good. But, what is important is that you need to pick few and bring it to practice.
I practice what I mentioned, hence got the results.
You need to identify your No. 1 enemy in reducing weight, that is SUGAR.
yes, sugar ( or white sugar) are one of the most simplest from food. Your body does not requires much energy to digest it ( require less energy mean, hard to loose weight) and it is easily converted to glucose. If your glucose contain in the blood is high, the body will produce insulin and the glucose will be stored as fat.
If you reduce your sugar intact, the rate of glucose entering your body is slower , thus if you uses more energy, other sources of energy ( eg, fat, complex carbs ) will be used.
I've tried this for 3 month and it really works. Try to avoid sweets ( candy, chocolate, soft drink) as much as possible.
I'm having my tea also with less or sometimes no sugar.
Initially, it will be very difficult. You'll notice that, you have problem eating food with less sugar because your tongue are not sensitive. After some time, your taste bud will be come sensitive to sugar and automatically you will avoid many sweet stuff in future.
And there is one bonus ...... you get to taste all the natural sweet better ( fruits, fruit juice, etc.)
In my own experience, let say I wanted to drink coconut water, I've to add sugar to make the taste better. But , after I've got my taste bud sensitive, I really can taste the natural sweetness of the coconut water. It taste 100 better .
So, reduce sugar intake does not not only help t0 reduce your weight but also help to enjoy the nature better........
Again, be consistent. If you start to feel that you are missing your favourite snack, have it one a month ( as your reward for the whole month)
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